Friday, August 20, 2010

1. Welcome to Perceptions and Consciousness

Brain - It is the most mysterious, the most complex system and also the most precious part in our body!

Why is that? Why brain takes precedence over even Heart or Lungs? Simple! Even with the latest technology, if any part of the body fails, we have a substitute but not for Brain, at least not yet! Not just because of no substitute, also Brain is the boss, I mean he is the master who controls the rest!

Though most of our internal organs like lungs, liver, etc just work by themselves for which brain doesn't have big contribution. In other words, for all the activities related to the external world needs Brain's management. We need our brain's green signal for our each and every activity. Most of the times, it happens spontaneously even before we realize. Activities like breathing, eating, drinking, etc we don't realize that our parts like hands, legs, mouth, eyes, etc acting only upon successful reception of brain's green signal.

What I mean by green signal is that the signals that inform legs to stop walking or start walking. Please don't let the term 'green signal' confuse you with the traffic signals because technically there are no red or yellow kind of signal which would exhibit similar effects.

Among all the organs, internal organs are even more important than external organs for a being to live! Still, we need to define the term 'Living'. What does living mean? It means a being is aware of it's existence and it interacts with it's environment and able to fulfill it's needs. This is how I define 'Living'. If we go by this definition, what all do we need for such Living?

1. To be aware of our existence - we need sense of 'touch' or 'feel'.
2. To interact with the environment and fulfill the needs- we need sense of vision, sense of smell, sense of hearing for an effective communication and also need the control over body to fulfill the needs.

These are called 5 senses. Apart from these, we eventually develop another sense out of our intelligence, from our experience and that's called sixth sense or common sense. This sense is unique compared to other senses because of three reasons. 1. This sense is derived from all other 5 senses, 2. This sense is subjective based on the knowledge one possesses, and the most important 3. Not like other 5 senses, this sense has ability to impact the brain and impacts other senses too.

We can view this as a cycle of evolution of senses. 5 senses result in 6th sense and 6th sense impacts the basic senses back with the help of brain. The driving force for the development of 6th sense relies on how the individual perceive the external world and realize his existence. Let's see the details in next post!

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